The truth about supplements

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One of the questions I get regularly when I talk to clients and we embark on one of my programs is:

Do I need supplements?

Ideally, we would get all our nutrients from our food, but this is becoming more difficult as years pass. Also, our lifestyle has changed in the last 50 years affecting how we retain our nutrients and how we metabolize them for proper body function. 

Below are more reasons why supplementation is important

1-   Nutritional needs have changed: 

As we live in a highly stressed society, some nutrients may be required at levels higher than can easily be supplied by food. Example: When we are in a high-stress mode, Vitamin C is needed to maintain a proper immune function and to help the adrenal glands (responsible to make Cortisol and Adrenaline) do their work, BUT because Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, it passes though the digestive system quickly so we need to replace it constantly.   We also live in a world where there are 80,000 chemicals in the environment so it is crucial we have enough nutrients to support the liver detoxification pathways. 

 2-   Soil Degradation:  

The quality of our soil has changed due to chemical-heavy farming techniques, deforestation which increases erosion, and global warming. So, when we have soil with nutrient deficiencies, our food becomes nutrient deficient as well. Typically in conventional farming practices, only three nutrients are fertilized back into the soil: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. That means there are 52 missing from the foods we eat, yet we cannot fight our biological requirement for nutrients. We must obtain them from somewhere. (Dr. Libby Weaver) 

3-   Optimal Nutrition vs RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake):

It is important to clarify the difference between what we need as basic requirements to prevent deficiencies (RDI) and what we really need for therapeutic benefits. It is like comparing “minimum wage” to survive and struggle financially with a real above-salary range to help you enjoy life and live it. Also, some important nutrients like Vitamin D, CoenzymeQ10 and alpha-lipoic acid are found in minuscule amounts in some foods

  4-   Liver Health: 

Your liver is your biggest detoxifying organ and it needs certain nutrients daily to filter toxins. If you are not eating enough foods containing B Vitamins, C, Flavonoids, Zinc, Magnesium, Folic Acid, L-Glutamine and few others you are not helping your liver to do the optimal job it is meant to do.

Of course, let me be clear, there is nothing better than highly nutritious whole foods, but supplements are designed to supplement and not to substitute. Supplements effects are also indirect, providing building blocks for metabolic processes. Example: Chromium won’t necessarily make you lose weight but, it will help you manage blood sugar which will balance hormones and facilitate weight loss.

Not all supplements are created equal, and that has been an eye-opener for me. You don’t want to be wasting money on nutritional supplements that aren’t highly bio-available or that contain fillers, toxic ingredients and not being guaranteed. Remember, when it comes to supplements quality makes all the difference!

If you want to try one of the best options in the market recognized for high-quality, science-based and guaranteed ingredients check my link below. Get 10% off on any product you choose and enjoy the HOLIDAY-BLACK FRIDAY deals so you can give the gift of HEALTH to yourself and your loved ones

Quick tip: NEVER buy any supplements on Amazon.

Amazon is not your best option for supplements. They can be counterfeit—people actually buy good ones, keep the good tablets, refill the bottles with cheap counterfeits, and sell them on 3rd party sites like Amazon to unknowing consumers. Only buy high-quality supplements direct from authorized distributors so you can ask questions, make returns to the right party and get shipments from their physical warehouses

Roselby Rodriguez