Do you know where weight loss happens first?


Do you jump on the scale regularly and are always concerned if you lost a pound, or a kilo or not? If this is you, continue reading….

Some women are not aware that when jumping on those scales, if there is weight loss they feel great about themselves, but if there is a weight increase, the day becomes lousy and stressed. 

Also, all these scale changes can affect the way you talk to yourself in your head and can make you start comparing yourself with other people and fall into huge self-judgment. 

I see many of my clients obsessed with the scale, not realizing that body weight can fluctuate depending on how much fluid we are retaining. Changes can occur across our menstrual cycle and/or with the kinds of foods or fluids we’re consuming.

A prime example is alcohol, which tends to be inflammatory and can contribute to swelling in the body. So, if you weigh yourself the next day after drinking some wine, you might see a higher number on the scale.

Muscle vs Body Fat Ratio

It is important to understand that muscles are heavier than fat. Even as it sounds confusing, since a pound of body fat versus a pound of muscle will weigh the same, the difference is how much space they take up. Muscles are much denser than body fat so, fat needs more space than muscles and you can effectively weigh more but appear leaner when you build muscles in your body.

If you need to be aware of how your body is changing, it is more useful and encouraging to notice how your clothes fit and what your waist measurement is, so you can be more in tune with how your body is responding to your weight loss program.

I have had clients experiencing leaner bodies and noticing how their clothes are loosening significantly, even though the scale didn’t seem to reflect the extent of the changes they were noticing in their physical body.   

So, it is important to keep in mind that even if your scale could reflect some changes in weight, it is your clothing, your waist measurement, your energy, your overall health that will dictate how you feel and how you are doing. This is where weight loss happens first 

Thanks for reading!!

Roselby Rodriguez