Is your kitchen set up for your health goal?
When you are looking to make lasting changes in your lifestyle and weight loss plan, no matter how “strong” your willpower is—it will often fall short in the face of constant temptation.
If you have a kitchen environment that will help you when your motivation slows down, you will have a solid base to continue to achieve your goals. I am a firm believer that if you keep around foods that won’t serve you, you will eventually eat them.
Imagine having a few boxes of chocolate cookies around the kitchen, and then imagine having a few apples in the fridge. You or a family member will eat them (cookies and apples) sooner or later.
Following this kitchen experiment can help you find better eating habits, make you more aware of what you go for regarding your meals and help you make better eating choices:
1- Go through your fridge and cabinets: Do your best to reduce or eliminate foods that won’t help you achieve your goals. We are talking about processed foods such as sweets, frozen meals, white bread, soft drinks, etc. Also, doing a deep fridge cleaning is useful to make you notice what you are buying and consuming and what is going bad or rotten in the vegetable/fruit drawer
2- Make a list of the foods that are part of your plan and attach them to your fridge: With this visual reminder, you can go to the grocery store and get what you really need and what will support your health or weight goal. Make those foods available and easy to prepare
3- Tidy up the kitchen: It is proven that a clean and organized environment triggers positive energy in our brains. Keep the most useful kitchen tools handy, so you can make your meals and smoothies easily and effortlessly.
4- Have a chat: Involve your family members or roommates (if that is your case) in your health plan, explain that you are changing how you are eating and need support. You can also invite them to join you in your health journey and work as a team :)
If relying on your willpower is becoming harder, making these strategic changes can help you focus on your eating behaviours and how you can change them for the best.
I am not saying this is the easiest thing in the world, but why not give it a try and realize that setting your kitchen environment with what you need and what works for you will help tremendously in changing your body, being more organized and simply becoming more intuitive of your choices.
Thanks for reading!